Monday, March 31, 2025

Worship Leaders

Altar Care

Our Altar Ministers care for our altar, font, candles, vessels and their furnishings, as well as make preparations for Sacraments andRites like Baptism,Communion, Confirmation, Weddings, and so on.  These behind-the-scenes ministers work in the Sacristy,”set the table,” and adorn the worship space with dignity and care.

Assisting Ministers


Our youth who are preparing for Confirmation or who have been confirmed are encouraged to serve as worship acolytes on a rotating basis.  Acolytes participate in processions, light the candles, and generally assist around the altar.  Acolyte Training is offered regularly.  Scheduling is coordinated with youths and their households.

Communion Servers

Servers at the Lord’s Table distribute the wine during Holy Communion, following the Pastor with the two chalices.  Those who serve are generally active confirmed church members.  Sign up for a day and worship service that fits your schedule with the Worship Committee rep. or Office.


Those who are experienced or naturally-gifted in reading aloud and oral presentations are encouraged to help lead worship by reading the appointed Scripture lessons from the lectern.  Sign up for a day and worship service that fits your schedule with the Worship Committee rep. or Office.


Our ushers assist the assembly with greeting, distributing bulletins, collecting offerings, directing movements about the sanctuary, and with any personal or urgent needs.  Participants of all ages are able to help through this ministry.

Worship, Music & Arts Ministers

There are MANY aspects of this ministry, including: organizing, training, and serving as communion servers, ushers, acolytes, lectors, altar care-givers, flower coordinators, audio-video techs, and special event coordinators for weddings and funerals.  Creating liturgical art (like banners, flags, & displays) and decorating the sanctuary are also valuable ministries we do.  The performing arts, including music, drama, and movement are also under our umbrella.


Our Music Ministry is an important half of this ministry too.  Music Director Mark Anzelon and Keyboardist Sun Coe (piano & organ) staff our music ministry.  Mark leads our services with his voice, guitar, and alternate liturgical settings.  Our Father’s Band plays monthly.  The Anthem Choir, under Mark and Sun, sings almost weekly at the 10 AM service, plus Christmas concerts.  The Touchdown Singers bring music to the sick or recuperating, and to special events.  Soloists and our volunteer pianists add their gifts.  Our music library is also tended by faithful volunteers.

Art Ministry


Our liturgical artists enhance our worship with banners, decorations, dramas and dance.

Creativity is welcome!

We are always looking for ideas.

We could use your help.

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