Saturday, February 22, 2025

Days & Seasons


Advent begins the church year four weeks before Christmas.  Besides traditions like the Advent Wreath and Advent Hymns in worship, we gather on Wednesday evenings for a meal fellowship and extra worship, preparing ourselves for the day of the Coming of the Christ Child into the world.


Christmas Eve services mark the beginning of Twelve Days of Christmas, including two Sundays, which celebrate the Birth of Christ with carols, giving, Word and Sacrament.


Epiphany is a season of mission-awareness in the church in the world.  Beginning with the Baptism of Christ and ending with his Transfiguration, we hear of his earthly ministry and mission through Word and witness, and epiphanies of Jesus’ true glory.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday worship begins a solemn forty day season of reflection, repentance, and deepened spiritual practice for the followers of Christ.  This ancient liturgy reminds us of our mortal nature, our own need for a Savior that Holy Week and Easter brings.


During the Forty Days of Lent, we gather weekly for a simply meal, fellowship, reflection and instruction in worship on the nature of Christian discipleship and our life’s journey.

Holy Week

Passion Sunday begins the commemoration of Jesus’ last week of life and ministry on earth.  Worship begins with a festive Procession of Palms recalling Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, then turns darker as the Passion Story is read and reflected upon with preaching and Communion.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday evening worship begins the Three Days in which we remember Jesus’ Betrayal, Death, and Resurrection.  This ancient liturgy rehearses the events of the Last Supper, Judas’ Betrayal, and Jesus’ Arrest.

Good Friday

Good Friday’s dramatic worship focuses on the Trial, Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus Christ through the Passion Story, preaching, and hymns.


The most glorious day of the Christian Year is Easter, celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus and the salvation of God’s people from sin, death, and despair.  We celebrate with special music, art, Easter hymns, the Resurrection Gospel, Communion, and Easter traditions for young and old.


Concluding Forty Days of Easter celebration, Pentecost recalls the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the Christians assembled, manifested with languages, spiritual gifts, and blessings.  We celebrate and worship the Holy Spirit in and with God’s people then and today.

Reformation Sunday

A Sunday which Lutherans in particular set apart to remember the ministry and insights of the Church Reformer Dr. Martin Luther.  With song, story and preaching, we recall the world-altering ideas, deeds and teachings of this leader of the Protestant Christian Reformation.

All Saints’ Sunday

This solemn day focuses our attention on the Saints of God, both living and dead, who make up the Church Eternal.  We honor their lives and witness, and anticipate our reunion with them in the Resurrection we share in Christ.

Christ the King Sunday

This last festival of the church year celebrates the Eternal Reign of Christ and the promise of his Coming Again at the consummation of history, bringing peace, justice, and righteousness.

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