Saturday, February 22, 2025



The objectives of the Fellowship Ministry are:

• to strengthen the fellowship between congregation members both spiritually and socially,
• the integration of new members in the life of the congregation,
• the general upbuilding of mutual cooperation, trust, and enjoyment among the members of the congregation.


The Ministry plans, supervises and implements recurring annual events and series, including Lenten Soup Suppers, Easter Brunch, and the Wednesday Study Series dinners.  The Ministry also does the weekly Sunday Coffee Fellowship and commemorations of special milestones– like staff changes and other church occasions.

There are many opportunities to assist, like set-up/clean-up or decorations for an event, supporting an event by promoting and attending it, providing food or drink items, sponsoring a coffee hour on Sundays, and by contributing ideas and enthusiasm to bring people together!

We Serve Fairly-Trade Products

The Fellowship Ministry supports our Social Ministry by buying and serving fairly-traded LWR Coffee and Tea products at our functions.  You too can buy and serve these products, which provide a just livelihood for so many farmers and families.  Learn more about the LWR Coffee Project.

If you are interested in this ministry, have a comment, or an idea, please contact: Janet Cassidy