Monday, March 31, 2025

Tower of Redemption Statue
The Tower of Redemption rises 85 feet high in front of our church and is a major landmark in the area – making it easy for guests to find the church. It is affectionately known as the “Touchdown Statue” because of the raised arms.
Actually, the statue faces the foothills and it celebrates these words from the Psalm 121, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills… which are carved into the back of the tower. The answer of assurance follows the question: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
The figure represents a human figure in a Hebrew posture of prayer, and is not meant to be the figure of Jesus Christ, as sometimes assumed. The figure’s eyes are lifted to the majestic San Gabriel Mountains, which rise some 6,000 feet beyond. The arms and hands are lifted in praise and prayer.
The base consists of two concrete slabs over steel, rising 60 feet. On the front of the tower are inscribed fourteen symbols of redemption which tell central tenets upon which the Christian stands in worship and faith.