Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Latest News

Helping our neighbor Rod!

On June 23, our dear neighbor, Rod Clure, had a fire break out on his property. Thankfully he’s fine, but there is extensive damage.    

The day of the fire, Mark Anzelon (LCIF Music Minister) and Pastor Rick opened Fellowship Hall to the evacuated neighbors, offering shelter from the heat, along with water and snacks.     Rod has been a helpful neighbor to everyone, including other families on the street and LCIF. This photo is from December when Rod (on the far right) helped our Property Committee with lights sanctuary.    

Please help lift Rod up through your prayers as he recovers from this fire. If you’d like to make a donation, a parent from the nursery school here at LCIF started a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help with Rod’s expenses.  You can find the fundraising page by clicking here or go to www.gofund.me and search for “Let’s Lend Rod a Hand!”